Random Thoughts
Life in the Mundane

I guess some lessons just come with age. And as I age I learn lessons I wish someone would have taught me a long time ago. Much of life is just going through the mundane of the everyday. That is not a bad thing, but for years I was always looking for that exciting moment. […]
Between the Dead and the Living

So Aaron took his firepan as Moses had ordered, ran into the middle of the assembly, and saw that the plague had begun among the people. After he added incense, he made atonement for the people. He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was halted. Numbers 16:47-48 (CSB) We were, and many […]
Life is Like a Vapor

I have been lax with my blog posts. Life has been busy. Why do we use that as an excuse? Isn’t life always busy? Often it is our own fault it is so busy. Then at other times life twist and turns creating a busyness. I also have to be honest; at times I tend […]
Are We Sharing Hope or Fear and Confusion?

“Jesus is an alternative to the dominant ways of the world, not a supplement to them” – Eugene Peterson I often wonder if I really know what it is like to live completely for Jesus. I have done multiple blog posts over the years where I talk about forsaking all to live for Jesus but […]
04: Life of Faith in a Scary World

At the time of this podcast recording our world has seemed to have gone made as we are greatly impacted by coronavirus / covid19 pandemic. In this episode I offer some of my thoughts on how Christians can respond. To be honest, virus or no virus this is a way of life we should always […]
Oh the Outrage

I really try hard to avoid political posts. I find it very divisive and rarely helpful. However, it is important for Christians to be involved in the political arena, but with my role as a pastor I find my call to be more about sharing the truth of a life with Jesus. I do ask […]
In 2019 I saw the Double Nickel

What an odd title for a blog post. Yes, I guess it is. Last year I made my 55th pass around the sun. For me that was a bit of an accomplishment. Several years ago I wrote about one of my greatest childhood heroes, my dad. I was just eleven years old when I watched […]
Expansion – My One Word for 2020 – Part II

Right before the turn of the new decade I declared, “Expansion,” as my one word for 2020. In that post I mentioned I really did not have a lot of clarity for how Expansion will impact my year. In just the few days since then I have gained some clarity. You can read part one […]
Expansion – My One Word for 2020 – Part I

I don’t have a “one word” every year but on the years that I do they seem to just show up. I don’t go through some exercise to think one up. They could be seeds planted by the Holy Spirit or they could be my imagination. What I do know is when they do show […]
When Everyone is a Heretic

Just over a week ago we had the great John MacArthur – Beth Moore kerfuffle. The complementarians and the egalitarians lined up against one another and waged a great war on social media. Many mocked and made jokes of the other. A week later nobody changed their point of view but the church was further […]
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