Between the Dead and the Living
So Aaron took his firepan as Moses had ordered, ran into the middle of the assembly, and saw that the plague had begun among the people. After he added incense, he made atonement for the people. He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was halted. Numbers 16:47-48 (CSB)
We were, and many still are, stuck in a world so dark we think it is full of light. Chasing after all the things of this world, trying to be our own god, and blaming the one true God for all our pain only drives us deeper into the darkness. We search for life by chasing our own happiness, making us the center of our world.
Deeper and deeper we go. Looking for life, we experience only death, death, death.
Such is sin
We think, we hope, we wish, and long for all these things to bring us life. For a while it even seems sweet. We catch a glimpse of life, but it is always fleeting, always passing through our fingers like sand. Satisfaction and contentment is just out of reach.
Satan promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He promised we would find life, but he is fine to leave us lonely and abandoned. This was his plan all along. Perhaps he really does not care if we worship him; he just wants us to abandon the one true God. Satan promised the sin would bring us life and now he tries to tell us God could never forgive us.
Deeper and deeper into the darkness we go.
Then there in the middle of the darkness, there is glimpse of something. A shadow? Not quite sure what it is but it seems different. If I listen carefully, I hear a faint call. The call of my name. A drawing, a wooing to come closer. As I grow closer, I finally recognize my darkness, for the one who is calling me is light. He is actually walking towards me as he calls. How can this be?
I see now; Jesus is standing here. Here in the middle of the darkness. For he died and rose again. Here he is standing between the dead and the living. As I trust in him, and confess the darkness of my own heart, the dark world begins to fade away; it rushes away like an outgoing tide.
Here Jesus stands in the middle of your dark world between the dead and the living. He calls you to himself. He is the only one who will never leave you nor forsake you. While you walked deeper into darkness he longed for you. He looked for you to turn to him. And even though you were in a great and deep darkness, when you turned he was right there. Right there, close by.
You were never as alone as you thought.
For Jesus comes and stands between the dead and the living. Experiencing both the cross and the resurrection he is the only one that can bring us real life. We just have to confess our sins, have faith in him, and as he promised, he will forgive us. Your sin is not too great.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; a light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness. – Isaiah 9:2
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10
For here stands Jesus, between the dead and the living!!!!
Image my own
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