Snatching Time
“Know the value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination…” – Earl of Chesterfield
Time, where does it all go? Why can’t we get everything done? I just do not have enough time!
I hear it all the time. I do not have enough time to read my Bible. I do not have enough time to take that class, exercise, spend time with family etc. And I hear it most often from “me!” I am trying to discipline myself to snatch every little bit of time I have.
I may not have a lot of time to pray, but I can turn off my radio and pray during my drive into work. I may not be able to spend an hour at the gym every day, but I can take a break from work and walk a couple of blocks. My wife and I may not have time for a date night, but I can tag along on the errands she needs to make.
Of course these are no substitute for spending large blocks of time in these endeavors; however, a large block is not always reasonable or possible. So I will snatch the time I can get.
Here are some ideas that might be helpful:
- Learn to say no. You do not have to do everything. Know what your priorities are and just say no.
- Spend waiting time reading. (Waiting for the doctor, car repair, hair cut etc.) Always keep a good book handy.
- Keep a small Bible in the car, or keep some index cards with key verses in your pocket or purse. Read them whenever you can snatch the time.
- Include your spouse, other family member or friend in a task you would normally do alone.
- Always be on the lookout for time you are wasting.
Time is fleeting, snatch it and make it work for you!
What are some ways that you snatch time to make it work for you?
How can I pray for you this week? – click here to send me your request
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