Atomic Habits – A Book Review
Are you a goal setter? As a Christian, the ability to set and accomplish good goals is vital; goals help us grow in all areas of life and make sure we keep the main things of life the main thing. Goals help us grow, physically, mentally, financially, in our career, relationally and most of all […]
Life in the Mundane
I guess some lessons just come with age. And as I age I learn lessons I wish someone would have taught me a long time ago. Much of life is just going through the mundane of the everyday. That is not a bad thing, but for years I was always looking for that exciting moment. […]
New Year: New Blank Page – 2021
As Christians we live for God’s glory and according to his will but that does not mean that we just sit back and let life happen. We should be proactive and intentional how we live each day. I am a collector of quotes and I ran across this a few years back by former Disney […]
Are We Sharing Hope or Fear and Confusion?
“Jesus is an alternative to the dominant ways of the world, not a supplement to them” – Eugene Peterson I often wonder if I really know what it is like to live completely for Jesus. I have done multiple blog posts over the years where I talk about forsaking all to live for Jesus but […]
When Worshiping God Comes First
“God is trying to call us back to that which He created us – to worship Him and enjoy him forever – A.W. Tozer If we look at God’s kingdom with our logic it seems backwards. The Bible tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Live your life as […]
Going Hard After God
“… we would go hard after satisfaction in God, and go hard after God as delight, our spirit’s pleasure…. Christ as our supreme gain magnifies him, exalts him, worships him whether on the street or in the sanctuary.” – John Piper It is all too easy to get our Christian walk of faith backwards. For […]
Hello 2018 – Deserve Victory!
Happy New Year! About the only true absolute in this world is time always marches on. I am thankful to welcome in another year. Don’t worry I am not going to tell you how important it is to set yearly goals or give you the magic plan that will assure all your resolutions come true. […]
What is your LifeView?
Many people like to talk about their worldview but one’s lifeview is more focused and has a greater impact on our everyday life. It is a bit of a cliché to ask if you view life as half full or half empty but the old adage explains how you approach your life. When you woke […]
The Prayers of Brother Andrew Part III
This week I finish up the series on the Prayers of Brother Andrew. If you have not already, you can read part 1 and part 2 When people allow Jesus to completely change them, they become part of the biggest revolution on the face of the earth. – Brother Andrew Prayer 7 Keyword: Profile Action: […]
Prayers of Brother Andrew Part II
Last week I started a short series on the daily ten prayer points of Brother Andrew aka God’s Smuggler. You can read the intro and the first two prayer points here We are responsible for the spiritual state in which we live – Brother Andrew Prayer 3 Keyword: Prayer Action: Become persistent in prayer. Daily […]
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