Expansion – My One Word for 2020 – Part II

Right before the turn of the new decade I declared, “Expansion,” as my one word for 2020. In that post I mentioned I really did not have a lot of clarity for how Expansion will impact my year. In just the few days since then I have gained some clarity. You can read part one […]
Expansion – My One Word for 2020 – Part I

I don’t have a “one word” every year but on the years that I do they seem to just show up. I don’t go through some exercise to think one up. They could be seeds planted by the Holy Spirit or they could be my imagination. What I do know is when they do show […]
You Really Do Need Negative People in Your Life

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves […]
The Prayers of Brother Andrew Part III

This week I finish up the series on the Prayers of Brother Andrew. If you have not already, you can read part 1 and part 2 When people allow Jesus to completely change them, they become part of the biggest revolution on the face of the earth. – Brother Andrew Prayer 7 Keyword: Profile Action: […]
Prayers of Brother Andrew Part II

Last week I started a short series on the daily ten prayer points of Brother Andrew aka God’s Smuggler. You can read the intro and the first two prayer points here We are responsible for the spiritual state in which we live – Brother Andrew Prayer 3 Keyword: Prayer Action: Become persistent in prayer. Daily […]
Prayers of Brother Andrew Part I

I have to admit that I have always struggled with having a consistent disciplined prayer life. Yes I am a Pastor but my life is as a disciple of Christ is a work in progress. I guess until Jesus returns I always will be. Over the past several years I have found myself keying on […]
Nothing Between Us and Christ

The Life of discipleship can only be maintained so long as nothing is allowed to come between Christ and ourselves – neither the law, nor personal piety, nor even the world. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer For too long we have believed we can just throw up a quick sinners prayer, attend church if and when we […]
Living a Life of Grace and Mercy

I have always had an interest in photography and thanks to a gift from a friend a year or so ago I have taken it on as a serious hobby. Working in downtown Atlanta gives me a lot of interesting areas to photograph. I often venture out with my camera on my lunch break. This […]
Love and Pray for our Enemies – Yes Even ISIS

Yesterday churches around the world celebrated Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week (Matthew 21:1-11). This is the week we remember the full purpose of why Jesus came to earth as a man. Sent by his father he came to give his very life to remove the sin of those who would believe so they […]
2017 – Your Blank Page

“Life is like a blank sheet of paper. You never know what it can be until you put something on it. So Dream It! Do it!… What are you waiting for?” – Marty Sklar Well another year has come and gone. How was 2016 for you? For me? It was pretty good year. Nothing overly […]
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