Racism – A Call for a Bold Response
This past week our nation has faced the bloody effects of the racial tension that continues to tear our great nation apart. It is easy to try and find someone to blame but the reality is that seven people have lost their lives. No longer can they go home to their kids. No longer can they call their girlfriend or parents on the phone. For them, life on this earth has come to an end.
Racism has been a problem since the fall of man in the beginning of time. Therein lies the problem; racism is a great ill that lays at the very foundation of our broken world.
Boldly Spiritually
We can protest, pass law after law and change our education system but sadly racism will continue raise its ugly head. Racism has its roots deep within man’s heart. Laws are important and there are probably quite a few that need to be enforced, added or changed; however, until we begin to address the heart issue we will never make any strides to drive this enemy from our world.
“The enemy of our soul lurks to pit us against each other instead of against the kingdom of darkness.” – Glenn Burris Jr., President, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
Perhaps as Christians when we heard the news of the death of the young men in Baton Rouge & Falcon Heights, and when we heard of the death of the five police officers in Dallas instead of screaming for justice we should have been driven to our knees to pray and fast for those communities and families. Yes justice must be sought out in our land but should that be our first call? Justice on this earth will no longer have any impact on those seven. No longer do they have the opportunity to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ and they have now stood before the Holy and Righteous judge who will determine their eternity.
Our life on this earth is fleeting; even now we must live with an eternal mindset. Yelling and screaming against the darkness will never show the light of Christ. Only being bold enough to truly live His love will that light shine. It has become such a cliche’ but Jesus really is the only way.
We must be obedient to allow Jesus to work through us to reach the lost of this world.
Boldly Honest
As someone who is white I have to be honest that effects of racism is a daily occurrence for many of my brothers and sisters of color. I have to be honest that it is a fact that African Americans are often treated differently by law enforcement. Our police have a tough job and I will do all I can to support them. This difference may not be intentional but the fact is it does happen.
I am asking my white brothers and sisters who have rushed to support the fallen officers (and they should be supported) will you also stand with the black community when they are targeted unjustly? If we can’t support both, we lay another hammer strike on the wedge that continues to drive the races apart.
Boldly Forgive
This is the hardest yet the most powerful thing we can do. I Corinthians 13:5 says that love keeps no record of wrongs. Jesus himself commands us to forgive those who trespass against us and to even love our enemies. Again justice of our land will need to work its way but it is hard for me to love someone if I all I can do is scream for justice.
Forgiveness means I have to forget; I have be willing to be wronged, willing to be wounded. When we forgive we release the bitterness and anger that only tears us down. It seems so illogical but forgiveness really is the most powerful solution to combat racism.
I may have never murdered someone but my sin is just as bad as the vilest murderer. It is a lie to tell ourselves, “My sin is not as bad as their sin.” Yet Jesus Christ willingly and obediently poured out his own blood for my forgiveness. I have been forgiven much so I must forgive. That same grace that was freely given to me I must give to others. Forgiveness is not an option!
“Our nation can choose between the way of the Messiah, a man of peace, and acquainted with grief and suffering. Or we can choose the way of the world, and continue to experience the violence that leaves us all incredibly vulnerable.” – Glenn Burris Jr.
Be proactive and intentional to build relationships with those of different races and cultures. Pray and fast for them and their communities. Be bold to stand against injustice in all its forms. However, always let love and forgiveness have full reign.
Glenn Burris sent the following out to all the Foursquare churches to provide a proactive and intentional prayer and action guide.
My related posts: Christians are Not Called to Protest, No They are not Thugs & A Cause Greater Than a Flag
photo credit: Armonia via photopin (license)
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