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January 1st is not a Magical Day

Pretty much everyone I know is excited for the New Year. And they get excited every year, just like I do. It is “new.” A new year of hope and dreams realized. A year of, “This will be the year….” However, as we roll into January 2nd or 3rd we soon realize it is just […]
God’s Provision

Clarity often proves to be rather difficult in the moment, but things become clearer when we look to our past. It is in our past we see the provisions God put in place for our current moment. In my previous blog post titled, “Transitions,” I shared how I was processing the sudden loss of my […]
Between the Dead and the Living

So Aaron took his firepan as Moses had ordered, ran into the middle of the assembly, and saw that the plague had begun among the people. After he added incense, he made atonement for the people. He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was halted. Numbers 16:47-48 (CSB) We were, and many […]
Finding our Ture Identity in Christ Alone

Who am I? Who are you? Do we know our true identity? It seems like so many struggle to know their identity. Along with our purpose our identity plays a key role in our search for meaning in this life. Many areas of life can have a big (sometimes too big) input in giving us […]
The Way of The Cross

Hanging on the wall in my home office is a crucifix. No, there is nothing magical or miraculous about it. It is just a bit of formed metal and plastic; however, it does play an important reminder in my life. It is a reminder that my life has been bought with an incredible great price; […]
A Life of Great Grace and Mercy

Imagine being hunted for over ten years by someone you looked up to and respected. Even though you refuse to retaliate and even prevent others from fighting back on your behalf, the hunter only relents for a moment. Then one day they are all alone. They have no idea you are watching, hidden in the […]
Are We Sharing Hope or Fear and Confusion?

“Jesus is an alternative to the dominant ways of the world, not a supplement to them” – Eugene Peterson I often wonder if I really know what it is like to live completely for Jesus. I have done multiple blog posts over the years where I talk about forsaking all to live for Jesus but […]
When Worshiping God Comes First

“God is trying to call us back to that which He created us – to worship Him and enjoy him forever – A.W. Tozer If we look at God’s kingdom with our logic it seems backwards. The Bible tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Live your life as […]
Cultivating Faithfulness in the Ordinary of Every Day

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness – Psalm 37:3 (NASB) I assume that all of us have big dreams and visions for life. They might be dreams of staring your own business or planting a church. My wife Janice, and I have big dreams and visions for […]
Finding Greater Faith and Purpose for Life – A YouTube Introduction

Well, I will never be accused of being an early adopter. I recently launched my podcast and I have decided to enter the world of YouTube. Just like my blog and podcast my primary goal is to encourage others to find greater faith in Jesus and live out their purpose for life. In my very […]
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