Are We Sharing Hope or Fear and Confusion?
“Jesus is an alternative to the dominant ways of the world, not a supplement to them” – Eugene Peterson
I often wonder if I really know what it is like to live completely for Jesus. I have done multiple blog posts over the years where I talk about forsaking all to live for Jesus but if I look at my own life, I am not sure how much of this world I have forsaken. However, I still can’t get away from the fact that the Bible shows a different way of life from how most of us live.
“This is God’s Word. The God who spoke the world into being has spoken his truth about life through the Bible, so that we might know what he intends for this world, and how we might live for his fame. He calls us to be, ‘Word People,’ people who are countercultural in the ways we approach life. Thus the Bible serves as the foundation for understanding who we are and what we should be doing in this world.” – CSB Study Bible
As Christians we are called to be so glaringly countercultural that the world has no doubt that we follow Jesus. And live countercultural while still connected to the lost to serve and show them the way to salvation. – That is easy for me to say right? But to be honest, I struggle to live it out.
Supposedly the early church while under the oppression of Rome, would rescue babies left to die on the town garbage dumps. The church would also bury the poor who died without the means of a proper burial. However, we often turn to the ways of this world to combat issues. We expect our government to do the things the church is called too.
Social Media
Social media has a way of bringing out the good the bad and the ugly. From a quick scan of Facebook we seem to be more worried about whose Covid19 stats are correct, if the RFID chip is the mark of the beast, and to do all we can to destroy the other political party.
Everybody knows an expert but none of the experts agree.
Then there are what I call all the tit for tat posts “people complain about his murder / crime – but others cry nobody said anything about this one over here”
Then there is the issue of masks – Of all the serious issues we are facing some of the most heated debates have been over whether or not to wear a mask. Really?
We cry out against abortion and seek laws to eliminate it (and so we should) but why do we never call for laws to help pregnant women who think abortion is there only hope? Shouldn’t our hearts break just as much for them as the unborn child?
Do we take Jesus seriously?
Perhaps we should take Jesus seriously and live as servants instead of making life a competition.
We are not called to try and conquer others.
We should not be ignorant of the major issues that confront our world but as Christians we should ask ourselves, are we sharing hope or we actually feeding fear and confusion?
I find it interesting that Jesus nor the Apostles ever once spoke out against Rome. Paul commands Timothy to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2) and Peter called the early church to honor the Emperor (1 Peter 2:17) – all this while the Emperor was killing Christians by the thousands.
The Old Testament is a pretty clear example that laws never change the heart of people so why do we expect so much from the person that sits in the White House? Yes Christians should vote and even run for elected office if called; however, true change will only come through becoming a disciple of Jesus.
Forgive me if I seem judgmental. I have to constantly check myself if all these areas. I am so grateful for God’s grace and mercy.
As Christians let us rise up:
- As a people who serve.
- As a people of hope.
- As a people who do all we can to point to the saving life that is found only in Jesus Christ.
- And let us be careful that we are not feeding the hysteria of our world.
As Christians before we click share on Facebook (or twitter or Instagram etc.) let’s pause. Is what I am about to share really helpful? It may be truth, but is now the time to say it?
We are called to bring hope to this world. The hope of Jesus Christ. Are we bringing hope or are we only adding to the fear and confusion?
Photo by Alireza Esmaeeli on Unsplash
Eugene Peterson quote from his book, The Jesus Way: A Conversation on the ways Jesus is the way
CSB Study Bible Quote from the CSB Study Bible, essay on How to Read and Study the Bible p. xii
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