A Christian Nation – Not the President’s Job
At this moment we are in one of the most contentious presidential elections in the history of the United States. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, two polarizing figures, have risen to become the primary choices to be our next President. Those on the right and the left feel the very life of our great nation is at stake. I defiantly have my opinions but I see my role as a Pastor to be more important than airing my political opinions. This post is no different. However, I have grown troubled by the social media posts of some of my fellow Christians. Many feel if we elect the right person and pass the right laws, the United States will return to being a Christian Nation.
Sadly looking for person or persons to lead our nation back to Christ is actually part of the problem. As long as we look for someone else to lead the way we are relieved of the responsibility. They will make it happen so we don’t have too.
Go far back into the history of the church and you will find it was the church who operated the first schools, the first hospitals, shelters, food pantries and orphanages. Slowly that responsibility was handed over to the State / Government. Now don’t go complaining about the ills of organized religion. The church is always made up of individual Christians. If there is a problem with the church, organized or not, the problem is with its members.
If we really want to turn our nation to Christ, it will start with you and me and not Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Trump and Clinton will not be our savior, that is Christ’s role. Until we place Christ fully in that role our nation will continue to slide farther and farther away from God. His judgment is not far off.
For decades the western church has made Christianity about “me,” my health, my wealth and happiness. Jesus has become nothing more than our “Mr. Fix-it” to come and bail us out when we don’t get our way.
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life wills save it.” – Luke 9:23-24
When was the last time you denied yourself in order to follow Christ? (Trust me I am asking myself the same question).
We can pass all the laws we want but all we have to do is look at the laws of the Old Testament to know those laws were powerless to keep the Israelites living for God. Laws today are no different. It is easy to pass a law but will you stand with and support those the law impacts? An example: Pass laws against abortion but are you willing to take these young women in your home and care for them and their child?
To have any hope of returning to a Christian Nation
- Seek earnestly to continually grow deeper in your own faith, seeking to grow to live as a living sacrifice for the Glory of God in all you do. (Romans 12:1-2)
- Pray and fast for our Nation and all its leaders
- Don’t see others who don’t live for Christ as your enemies (Ephesians 6:12) but pray for their salvation. Radical Islam is great example.
- Whoever becomes our next President commit to praying and fasting for them. Romans 13:1 tells us there is no one in authority except that which He [God] has established. Notice 1 Timothy 2:1-3 calls to pray “for,” not against those in authority.
I love my country. My family first crossed the Atlantic in 1654, more than 100 years before we declared our Independence. However, my calling to live for Christ far exceeds my patriotism. The day will come when all mankind will stand in judgment before the one and only Holy God. Let us take our zeal and passion for politics and turn it for a zeal and passion for spreading the Gospel. Yes be involved in politics and as God leads take advantage of your right to vote. However, the task of leading others to Christ should far out way anything we do.
Have no doubt, neither Trump nor Clinton will turn our nation to God. That task is up to you and me – Christ in us the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
Our days will continue to grow dark and the church must stand in stark contrast and finally fulfill her role to shine the light of Jesus Christ. For Christ alone is our only hope.
The Cause of Christ is greater than any political agenda
photo credit: Near the Church via photopin (license)
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