Four Things to Remember About Those We Lead
As church leaders we are passionate about God’s call in our lives. If you are like me, you eat it, sleep it, and breathe it. No matter what you might be doing at the moment you find thoughts of your calling are never very far away.
That passion is a great thing. We should be fully committed to God’s calling. The salvation of many may depend on us living it out.
However with that passion, comes a great danger. We can become so consumed with the mission that we overlook those we lead. They easily become nothing more than resources to get the job done.
“Those employees aren’t numbers. They’re not just data. They’re moms and dads. They’re college students with dreams. They’re high school kids learning the value of hard work and “my pleasure.” They’re people just like me with hopes and fears and goals and friends and family.” From the blog post It’s Personal by Dan Cathy
Although Dan Cathy is talking about his employees at Chick-fil-a the principle is the same.
As leaders we must never forget that those we lead are important and precious to God and that he is madly passionately in love with them. (Tweet This) We need to care for them the same way.
I pray I never forget:
- Those I lead are precious to God.
- Those I lead go through struggles of life and I am called to help them through.
- Part of my role is to help them discover and prepare for their calling, not mine.
- There is a great chance there time with me will be short. I am helping prepare them for the next phase of their call.
The people I lead are moms and dads. They’re college students with dreams. They are just like me with hopes, fears and dreams and I get the joy to play a small role in helping them live it to the fullest.
Your voice is important; I would love to hear from you.
What do you need to remind yourself about those you lead?
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