Make Haste Slowly: The Kikkoman Creed part 2
“Make Haste Slowly.” It means to advance and grow, but to do so with tremendous thought and care.
[This is part 2 in the series on the leadership lessons from the 300 year old company Kikkoman. You can read part 1 here]
Reading this Japanese axiom for the first time, “Make haste slowly” seems very confusing. How can you make haste and be slow at the same time? Making haste alone opens the door to a multitude of problems.
However, to “make haste slowly” sounds a lot like my blog title, “Proactive and Intentional.” One moves forward quickly, but always moving with intention and purpose.
To, “Make Haste Slowly:”
- We should always make progress.
— Always move forward towards your goals.
— No wasted effort. We need to be wise of how we invest our energy, time and
other resources. (Tweet This)
- Live a life that is proactive and intentional.
— Our life has purpose so we should live it that way. (Tweet This)
— Do not leave the success of your life to random chance. (Tweet This)
This does not mean that we need to schedule and plan out every last detail of our lives. However, we should be intentional with life so that we always move in the direction of our purpose / calling, dreams and goals. Just writing down our goals is not enough. We need to live our life making our goals a reality.
Turn your dreams into goals. Until you create an action plan, your dreams will be just that, dreams. (Tweet This)
We are not on this earth by chance so we should not live that way. “Make haste slowly” everyday. (Tweet This)
You can learn about the full creed here: The Article of the Kikkoman Creed & view the short films
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