Book Review
Atomic Habits – A Book Review

Are you a goal setter? As a Christian, the ability to set and accomplish good goals is vital; goals help us grow in all areas of life and make sure we keep the main things of life the main thing. Goals help us grow, physically, mentally, financially, in our career, relationally and most of all […]
Bible Tribalism: Authorized the Use and Misuse of the King James Bible – a Book Review

The topic of Bible Translations can quickly grow heated. Many fall into the trap of thinking their favorite translation is the best and only one, and they tend to divide others by sticking with their own translation tribe. In Mark Ward’s book, Authorized the Use and Misuse of the King James Bible, he talks about […]
The Apostles Creed by Albert Mohler: a Book Review

The Apostles’ Creed is one of the oldest Christian creeds that dates back to the 4th century. In this post I give a brief overview of the Creed, and review Dr. Albert Mohler’s book, “The Apostles’ Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in and Age of Counterfeits.” I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven […]
Christian Standard Bible Single Column Personal Size Bible: A Review

I thought I would start reviewing some of my personal Bibles and why they have a place in my Bible Study Tool Box . In this first one, I review the CSB / Christian Standard Bible Single Column Personal Size Bible in Brown Genuine Leather by Holman Bible Publishers A Few Highlights from the Video […]
My Great Reads from 2016

At the start of 2016 I had a great plan to read more books than I have before in one year. It is true leaders are readers. However, being a bi-vocational pastor it is tough to find long blocks of time read and I have a bad habit of reading more than one book at […]
The Coaching Habit – A Book Review

As leaders we often take on a variety of roles. There are days we are vision casters, cheerleaders, referees, bosses, managers, moms and dads; the list really could go on for awhile. However, one of the greatest roles a leader can take on is that of a coach. A great coach does so much more […]
The Early to Rise Experience – A Book Review

I have never been a morning person. I have never even been close to being a morning person. I could sleep ten hours and still getting up would be a pain. However, I need to get up early. I need the discipline and I need the quiet early hours to study God’s Word, to pray […]
Praying with Paul – A Book Review

Prayer is one of the most powerful spiritual disciplines we can practice. It is hard to imagine that we serve a holy and righteous God who not only allows us to pray but actually calls us to pray. We have the ability to dialogue with our Heavenly Father and do so with confidence (Hebrews 4:16). […]
The Anonymous Leader

Ralph Mayhew describes his latest book, The Anonymous Leader: An Unambitious Pursuit of Influence, as being, “… about fading away and becoming nothing so Jesus Christ can become everything through your life and leadership.” I agree that this short quote describes his book well. Mayhew’s book stands out in stark contrast against all the books […]
On Track – A Book Review

I am a very heavy blog reader (all bloggers should be). I have over one hundred blogs in my feedly reader. Of course most only get a quick scan; however, there are a few bloggers that I try not to miss. Jon Stolpe is one of those bloggers. A while back I was one of […]
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