Why Details Matter
Back in 2013 I wrote a post about how your big picture is overrated. Yes a complete vision (your big picture) of what you want to accomplish is important but if we fail to know the needed details for today we will never make our big picture a reality. That is why details matter.

I took the photograph above last September while visiting Mabry Mill along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. It is a close up of the side of the old mill. When Mr. Mabry begin constructing his mill he knew exactly how he wanted it to look and function. However, to make it a reality he did not just throw up random logs; he had to select each one. Then each one had to be carefully shaped so they would fit together providing a strong structure. Each stroke of an axe, saw or adze had to be carefully done to shape each log. Each detail mattered.
Anyone who desires to achieve and become successful must be like a fine craftsman; committed to excellence. A great craftsman wants you to inspect his work, to look closely at the finest details. – John Maxwell
Hopefully sometime in the past month you have developed your goals you want to accomplish in 2019. Important questions to ask are:
- Have I taken the time to work out the finer details of how I will accomplish those goals?
- Have I narrowed my focus on what details are needed monthly, weekly & daily?
Here is an important note, yes the details are important but don’t stress out trying to make them perfect. Again, if you look at the photo above you can clearly see the rough axe marks and gaps. Mr. Mabry would have finished up with some mud or type of mortar to fill in the gaps. Yes details are important but remember they are tools to accomplishing your goals don’t let them become a hindrance. Leave plenty of room and give yourself permission to make adjustments as needed. Life happens and many things will come up that may take priority. Adjust when needed and pick up and move forward.
Details of Life
For your emotional, spiritual and physical well being don’t miss out on the details of life. Be sure and slow down enough to enjoy each day. Take time to breathe. All of life is not about conquering the day. Take a vacation, do something just for fun, take your wife on a date. Try and find something good in your life that you didn’t create or you can’t control. Look for sunrises and sunsets and when you can, enjoy the rain. Not every problem and issue in life needs to be fixed. Life is an adventure because of its ups and downs.
What are your details for 2019? What details of life do you hope to discover? Feel free to leave a comment below.
If you feel stuck, and overwhelmed by your big picture I would love to help you discover the details that will cause you accomplish your goals and enjoy more of life. Feel free to send me an email. I promise I have nothing to sell you. You can click here to send me an email
John Maxwell’s quote is from his book Today Matters – 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success
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