Carried Through the Struggle
When our circumstances are difficult it is easy for them to become our focus. We lose faith in God our father who is always there to carry us through.
Deuteronomy 1:31 = [A]nd in the desert. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.
Deuteronomy 2:7 = The Lord God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast desert. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you and you have not lacked anything.
Moses was coming to the end of his life and the Children of Israel were about to cross over into the Promise Land. Over the past 40 years as they wondered around the desert the old generation had died off due to their disobedience and lack of faith. A new generation now stood before Moses. He was taking time to remind them of God’s law, and despite what they may have experienced, God had always been with them.
Their journey in the desert had not been easy. They had experienced all the struggles one would expect. For the most part they ate the same thing every single day (manna). Every few days they would break camp and move several 100 thousand people to a new location. Can you imagine, the same thing day in and day out for 40 years?
Moses called them to see beyond the struggle and recognize that through the whole ordeal God was with them, and He carried them just like a father carries a son.
Even in rebellion God allowed a long full life, carrying his children through the desert. The Bible even says that their clothes and their sandals did not wear out.
The Struggle
Life can be hard. We lose our job, our home or experience a debilitating disease. Perhaps we respond out of anger and push someone we love away. We have our own desert to live through. Sometimes it is a desert created by life in a fallen world, or it is a desert we have created for ourselves.
The Promise
We must always realize that no matter what desert we may be walking through, we have a God our father who is madly passionately in love with us and he will always carry us like a child. I may not always sense his presence, but he is there. He is ALWAYS THERE!
When I fail or when life is a struggle, God does not quickly cast me aside, but he carries me through. (click to tweet this)
Just like the Israelites, the day will come when we stand in faith before the Jordan River ready to cross over into our Promise Land.
Thank you Daddy for always carrying me. May I always have the faith to see it.
Now it is your turn
I would love to hear from you. How have you recognized God carrying you through the hard times? Have you been able to see this during the struggle or after the fact?
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