Effective – My One Word for 2018

I am not sure who started the one word craze but in 2015 my word was “Generous.” In 2016 it was “Focus.” I did not have one for 2017. I am not one to randomly pick a word the word has to come to me. Our associate Pastor was preaching on New Year’s Eve and […]
2017 – Your Blank Page

“Life is like a blank sheet of paper. You never know what it can be until you put something on it. So Dream It! Do it!… What are you waiting for?” – Marty Sklar Well another year has come and gone. How was 2016 for you? For me? It was pretty good year. Nothing overly […]
The Walt Disney Compass

Over the past several years I have had a great interest in Walt Disney the man and how the company he built has grown to become an international entertainment giant. Several years ago when I attended Disney World with my family I was captivated by how well they operated and how all the employees, despite […]
Be More than a Dreamer

I may be 51 but I am a really big kid. For the past two years we have gone to Disney World for our family vacation (our third time since 2012). And who knows, we may go again this year. I love every single magical moment. Also, I am intrigued by how they make it […]
Someday is not a Day and neither is Tomorrow

I have to admit I used to be the king of someday. I would love to wile away my time dreaming about someday or tomorrow. When I was very young my Aunt Tootie (Everyone needs an Aunt Tootie) would ask me to spend the night. Being rather attached to my parents I would always respond […]
The Dreamer’s Pain

There must be a thousand blogs written to help one discover and live out their dreams. I guess my blog is one of those. We serve a God who gives us dreams which are often glimpses into a future he has ordained for us. Sometimes the dream for the future is given through a promise […]
How to Live a No Excuse Life

“When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it is convenient. When you are committed to something you accept no excuses.” – Ken Blanchard Our daily lives are so full of noise and distractions. A lot of that noise is just the stuff of life. We need to work, pay bills, […]
Wear Your Dream

“Dare to Dream: Have the desire to do something bigger than yourself. Prepare the dream: Do your homework; be ready when the opportunity comes. Wear the dream: Do it. Share the dream: Make others a part of the dream, and it will become even greater than you had hoped.” – Florence Littauer Life is filled […]
Birthing Something New is Always Messy

The hospital room may be spotless and sterile, but birth itself will always take place amid chaos, pain, and blood. —Steven Pressfield I will never forget the birth of my three children. They were wonderful events but to the natural eye they were a messy event. Chris was my first born. Janice and I were […]
The Power of Dissatisfaction

Visions form in the hearts of those who are dissatisfied with the status quo.” – Andy Stanley Nothing kills success or vision more than being satisfied with life as it is. (Tweet This) No matter where we are in life God has something greater. (Tweet This) In ministry I frequently encounter people who have lost hope. They […]
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