Hello 2018 – Deserve Victory!
Happy New Year!
About the only true absolute in this world is time always marches on. I am thankful to welcome in another year.
Don’t worry I am not going to tell you how important it is to set yearly goals or give you the magic plan that will assure all your resolutions come true. I just want to encourage you to reflect on one question?
For you, will 2018 be different than 2017?
Sometimes I think I am a fraud. My favorite words are proactive and intentional. However I am rarely either. If you ever get an email from me, you will read in my signature a quote from the Bible, Joshua 1:9, “be strong and courageous.” However, at the age of 53 I often feel like a freighted little kid. I am still a work in progress.
This past weekend my wife and I went to see the movie Darkest Hour which profiles the life of Winston Churchill in May of 1940 when he first became Prime Minister of England. As a history nerd (I know a little about a lot) I enjoyed the film. (No it is not completely historically accurate but I never expect movies to be so) The film ends with the following quote:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
Hitler was moving his way west across Europe with very little resistance and most of the voices around Churchill were calling for surrender. Churchill also had some major failures in his career that tried to haunt him as Prime Minister. Despite all this he somehow found the courage to be resolute and stand against Hitler – The coming years would be full of pain and hardship but had he not found that courage, our world would look a lot different today.
Was 2017 a success or a failure?
If I answer it truthfully I would say it was neutral for me. I was blessed this year (one great blessing was the birth of my first granddaughter Freya) but from a personal growth stand point or progress on some of my major life goals there was not a lot of movement. That is my own fault. I have been lazy
I plan on stirring up the courage to continue forward in 2018. I need to double down on some disciplines and flesh out on paper the dreams I have for the second half of my life. I can’t play it safe keeping those dreams tucked away in my head
What about you?
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” – Winston Churchill
A great 2018 may take some effort and for some it will be a full on fight. Deserve Victory! Success or failure our story is not over. Even if your 2017 was a complete disaster you deserve a victorious 2018.
However, you do not need to go it alone. Life is so much better in community.
Do you need some courage to meet 2018 with full force? Let me know if I can help. I will be more than glad to help hold you accountable and perhaps you can do the same for me. Also be sure and let me know how I can pray for you.
Hello 2018, buckle up because I am coming through.
How can I pray for you this week? – click here to send me an email
photo credit: Leo Reynolds DESERVE VICTORY! via photopin (license)
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