The Early to Rise Experience – A Book Review
I have never been a morning person. I have never even been close to being a morning person. I could sleep ten hours and still getting up would be a pain. However, I need to get up early. I need the discipline and I need the quiet early hours to study God’s Word, to pray and to write. So, when I can, I get up early.
I forgot how I learned about Andy Traub’s book The Early to Rise Experience: Learn to Rise Early in 30 Days. Since I struggle to rise early I thought I would pick up a copy. Traub claims that his goal is to not just help the reader create a new habit but to help them change their life.
“The result of rising early is being intentional about how you live.” – Andy Traub
The introduction and first six chapters focus on why it is a good habit to rise early and the reasons we most often don’t cultivate the habit. The remaining thirty chapters are to be read once a day as you work to be an early riser. Each day provides you a small dose of encouragement and a challenge to break out of your normal routine. One day had to drink my coffee black. It was not as bad as I thought.
“Average people become that way because they change their expectations. They expect to be average, and sadly they are okay with being average. Average is pretty safe….” – Andy Traub
Traub’s book is a short read at just 117 pages. The thirty daily chapters are a short blog post put into a book. With that being said the book is well worth the read. It does not provide magic answers on how to be a morning person; however, it does provide a lot of insight, encouragement and even accountability. It is a book I need to read again.
“Do you tell your days who’s in charge.” – Andy Traub
“Life happens. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Keep showing up every day, and great ideas will show up eventually too.” – Andy Traub
The only question now is are you up for the challenge? What time are you getting up during the next thirty days?
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