A Cause Greater Than a Flag

I am literally sick over the ongoing racial debates on social media. Just a few weeks ago it was the issue in McKinney and now the Confederate flag. Like the Bible, people find it easy to cherry pick history to prove their point. However, it is unlikely you will change someone’s mind or their heart. […]
May We Never Forget the Cost….

This a re-post from Memorial Day 2012 “Nothing is more important to the soul of America than remembering and honoring those who gave of themselves that we might enjoy the fruits of peace and liberty.” – President Ronald Reagan I never served in the military, so it is hard for me to comprehend the courage […]
Another Year of Great Reads – What I read in 2014

I have a simple goal to read just 20 books each year. I know there are many who read a lot more than that but 20 is the right number for me. In 2014 I barely completed that goal by reading 21. It was a busy year. Please note that the lack of comments […]
The Good News We Almost Forgot – A Book Review

I am not sure if it is my age or not, but I find myself drawn to things from my younger days. I grew up in the Presbyterian USA Denomination so around the age of 11, I attended Catechism class. Over several weeks my friends and I worked our way through the Westminster Catechism. (I […]
Four Marks of a July 4th Leader

On July 4th 1776 the Continental Congress voted in favor of Richard Henry Lee’s motion for Independence. (It would be almost a month before the Declaration would be signed.) This was not a task taken lightly. Each man knew they were risking their lives. No one before had dared to stand up to the mighty British. […]
How to Live MLK Day Every Day

I only have a vague memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. I was just 3 years old when he was brutally assassinated. I simply remember seeing the reports about him when my dad was watching the news. As someone who is white, I really have no understanding of what it is like for others to […]
Never Forget the Cost….

“Nothing is more important to the soul of America than remembering and honoring those who gave of themselves that we might enjoy the fruits of peace and liberty.” – President Ronald Reagan I never served in the military, so it is hard for me to comprehend the courage required by the wonderful men of women […]
Ronald Reagan in Quotations a Book Review

Ronald Reagan in Quotations: A Topical Dictionary, with Sources of the Presidential Years by David B. Frost is what it says it is, a collection of quotes from the eight years Reagan was President. This is a collection of over 2500 quotes from speeches and other public addresses that were delivered in person or via […]
My Reading List from 2011 – So Many Books – So Little Time

It is hard to believe that during my early years I did not enjoy reading very much. But now it is a passion. My only regret from 2011 is that I did not allow enough time to review some of the great books that I have already read. So many books, so little time. Oh […]
That Day

That Day 10 years ago I woke to another work day. It was to be a warm sunny 86 degrees in Atlanta. I made the 40 mile commute through rush hour traffic to the north side of town to my job at a software company. My coworkers and I laughed and joked around as I […]
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