Effective – My One Word for 2018
I am not sure who started the one word craze but in 2015 my word was “Generous.” In 2016 it was “Focus.” I did not have one for 2017. I am not one to randomly pick a word the word has to come to me. Our associate Pastor was preaching on New Year’s Eve and […]
Did Curiosity Really Kill the Cat?
Curiosity is not allergic to failure. Curiosity drives you to the haunted house because the thrills lie in what we don’t expect, not in what’s safe. – Seth Godin Are you curious? When is the last time you explored something new? When is the last time you read a book about a topic you have […]
Have We Lost the Pioneer Spirit?
Yesterday the United States of America celebrated our 241st birthday. As s self-proclaimed history nerd (I know a little about a lot) it is a day I always enjoy not just as an American but I enjoy the history behind the day. By choice I had no exciting plans other than to spend a lazy […]
Live your life Proactive And Intentional
Proactive and Intentional are two of my favorite words. I often wonder why they are my favorite since I am prone to be anything but proactive and intentional. Proactive, to act or intervene on the front end. Intentional, done with purpose or reason. I often talk about how fleeting life is. It moves forward […]
Don’t Pigeonhole Those You Lead
“… of the most important lessons I learned about leadership from Walt Disney; don’t pigeonhole anybody! You never know what talented people can do if you give them a chance – if you are willing to take a chance.” – Marty Sklar Granted not too many people know what a pigeonhole is these days so […]
My Great Reads from 2016
At the start of 2016 I had a great plan to read more books than I have before in one year. It is true leaders are readers. However, being a bi-vocational pastor it is tough to find long blocks of time read and I have a bad habit of reading more than one book at […]
The Coaching Habit – A Book Review
As leaders we often take on a variety of roles. There are days we are vision casters, cheerleaders, referees, bosses, managers, moms and dads; the list really could go on for awhile. However, one of the greatest roles a leader can take on is that of a coach. A great coach does so much more […]
Cultivating Leadership
Titles and Position will only carry your leadership so far. People often follow those with titles because they have too. In reality they are driven or pushed forward not lead. True leadership is when people follow out of their own free will. This type of leadership does not just happen; it will require hard work […]
To Lead A Revolt
240 Years Ago on July 4th, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. In August of that same year 56 men aged 26 – 70 put their lives on the line and signed the document. John Hancock made sure King George would not need his spectacles to read his signature. “When in the […]
The Anonymous Leader
Ralph Mayhew describes his latest book, The Anonymous Leader: An Unambitious Pursuit of Influence, as being, “… about fading away and becoming nothing so Jesus Christ can become everything through your life and leadership.” I agree that this short quote describes his book well. Mayhew’s book stands out in stark contrast against all the books […]
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