Bible Study
Between the Dead and the Living

So Aaron took his firepan as Moses had ordered, ran into the middle of the assembly, and saw that the plague had begun among the people. After he added incense, he made atonement for the people. He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was halted. Numbers 16:47-48 (CSB) We were, and many […]
08: From Worthless Thinking to a Renewed Mind

In this post you can listen via my podcast or view via YouTube I explore how failure to give God glory and gratitude (Romans 1:20-21) leads to worthless thinking. But Paul calls us to renew our minds so we might know God’s good, pleasing and perfect will. Scripture References Romans 1:20-21 (CSB) Psalm 19:1-2 (CSB) […]
Finding our Ture Identity in Christ Alone

Who am I? Who are you? Do we know our true identity? It seems like so many struggle to know their identity. Along with our purpose our identity plays a key role in our search for meaning in this life. Many areas of life can have a big (sometimes too big) input in giving us […]
Jesus Asleep In the Boat: Faith vs. Fear

The story of Jesus sleeping in a boat during the storm seems to be very popular. Most people seem to think the disciples lacked faith because they did not speak to the storm. But I think it was really more about their lack in faith that they were with Jesus, so the storm really was […]
The Way of The Cross

Hanging on the wall in my home office is a crucifix. No, there is nothing magical or miraculous about it. It is just a bit of formed metal and plastic; however, it does play an important reminder in my life. It is a reminder that my life has been bought with an incredible great price; […]
07: Don’t Just Make Annual Goals – Take Advantage of What you Already Have

We are rapidly approaching a New Year so now is the perfect time to evaluate this past year as we make plans for a great New Year. In this podcast episode I explore something a little different from your normal goal setting and vision casting. No doubt goal setting is important but in this episode […]
A Life of Great Grace and Mercy

Imagine being hunted for over ten years by someone you looked up to and respected. Even though you refuse to retaliate and even prevent others from fighting back on your behalf, the hunter only relents for a moment. Then one day they are all alone. They have no idea you are watching, hidden in the […]
My Bible Reading Plan – New and Improved

I have made some changes to my reading plan since my first reading plan post back in 2013. Over the past several years I made multiple failed attempts at creating and sticking to a consistent Bible reading plan. Often each day’s reading was just a task to check off my to do list. If I […]
Our Eternal Hope in Jesus

Just a few weeks ago I had the honor to preside over a celebration of life for a very dear friend. These times always draws our attention to eternity. The main text I used for my homily was 2 Corinthians 5:1-9 (CSB). Our life here on this earth really is a vapor that passes quickly. […]
The Two Parts of Abiding in God

Ever had a Bible verse that you have read multiple times suddenly grab a hold of your attention? You know days even weeks later you can’t get those verses out of your head? Recently while working through a sermon series on 1 John, 1 John 4:13-16 has grabbed a hold of me. We often hear […]
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