06: Racism in America: A Message for the Church
2020 has turned out to be one chaotic year. It has been some 155 years since slavery was abolished but racism still haunts our nation. We have made great strides toward equality but we have not nearly gone far enough. The church must rise up in a stronger bolder way to battle against this great sin.

Racism is a spiritual issue but we can’t ignore the practical. In this podcast I take a deep dive look at both the spiritual and practical ways to combat racism.
Note: this is a message for the church and personal reminder and call to action for myself.
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Scripture References
- Revelation 7:9-10 (CSB)
- Matthew 16:24-25 (CSB)
- Micah 6:8 (CSB)
- Acts 16:16-40 (CSB)
- Romans 8:18 (CSB)
- John 16:33 (CSB)
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photo credit: Armonia via photopin (license)
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